Sympathetic character

Choose three characters and then answer the questions:

Let's get on with the questions then!

1. What is your name, and is there any thought/meaning behind it?
Keitari: Endoh Keitari, because that's our clan name and Keitari is a poisonous flower *heh*
Frank: Frank Phoenix Horizon, no hidden meaning, just an inherit name ^^

2. What is your favourite animal and why?
Keitari: WHAT? Animals? I don't care about animals...
Alanyah: Birds? Wait, why?
Frank: I love all living things ^^

3. Who is your favourite historical person?
Keitari: Um. I'm not that big of a fan of people.
Alanyah: King Leonidas of Sparta, of course. He did what was necessary
Frank: Um... I don't know?

4. What is the most prominent aspect of your personality?
Keitari: I'm a good killer.
Alanyah: I'm a charming young woman (Julian: *laughing out loud*)
Frank: Everything <3

5. What kind of clothing do you wear and why?
Keitari: Anything black. As long as it's not a dress. Or a skirt. Or something really female. Or something with a cleavage or...
Alanyah: Anything not too big or too... useless
Frank: Anything's fine. I love clothes <3

6. What historical period is your favourite? Why?
Keitari: This period? Or the one with the fourth Hokage, he was a great assassin.
Alanyah: Why such a stupid question? THE SPARTAN TIME OF COURSE!
Frank: The Victorian time, all those lovely dresses and the big hairs. What?

7. Who is your favourite fictional character?
Keitari: Um... I like... NOT IN THAT WAY, YOU IDIOT! Itachi-san...
Alanyah: I like L from Death Note. He seems to be a polite young man - Yeah, I hate you Julian *stares*
Frank: Sesshomaru from Inuyasha. Do I need to say anymore?

8. Have you ever committed a crime?
Keitari: No *serious* (Me: Um... Murder is a crime. Keitari: You're not serious right?)
Alanyah: I would never do anything like that! (Me: Um, what about the stealing and the murdering and... Alanyah: SHUT UP!)
Frank: I would never commit a crime, sugar.

9. Have you ever done something you regret and/or embarrass you?
Keitari: Nothing ever.
Alanyah: How could you bring that up?! Do you know how much I regret doing such a thing? YOU BASTARD!
Frank: Um... Nothing that you ever want to know...

10. What is your greatest flaw?
Keitari: I don't have any flaws (Me: What about the fact that you're looking like a guy? Oh... I better run)
Alanyah: Julian.
Frank: I don't have any flaws, sugar ^^

11. Do you like yourself (despite eventual flaws mentioned above)?
Keitari: Why wouldn't I? Is there something wrong with me? *brings out the katana*
Alanyah: Are you going to bring up my bad memories AGAIN?
Frank: I'm a adorable person and I never do anything wrong. And everyone else loves me, why shouldn't I?

12. If you could change anything about yourself (physically or mentally) - would you?
Keitari: I don't want to look like a boy anymore.
Alanyah: I would prefer to be a male.
Frank: I don't want to be a halfbreed, no offence to my father (Xeanor: None taken)

13. If you were suddenly to become a superhero/villain, what would you nickname yourself and what would be your power(s)?
Keitari: *smirk*
Alanyah: I already have all the superpowers I want
Frank: Um... I don't think you want to know ^^'

14. Do you have any pets?
Keitari: No.
Alanyah: Does Julian count as a pet?
Frank: Oh, I have lots of pets. Ponies, birdies and fishes and much else ^^

15. Are you vain?
Keitari: Of course not.
Alanyah: Nope.
Frank: Of course I am, sugar ^^

16. What colour is your hair and in what manner do you wear it?
Keitari: Black, in a band in my neck. Is there another way to wear it?
Alanyah: Black - curly and in a plait
Frank: Black, usually just as it is or in a ribbon

17. Do you have any titles?
Keitari: Shinobi (Me: That's not a title.) -kun?
Alanyah: Well, I am a lost Goddess of a forgotten demon world, obviously
Frank: I am the son of a high elv, a member of the Tevan-Silin city-counsel

18. If you could delete any person and his/her doings out of history, whom would be the unlucky one?
Keitari: Everyone. (Hirai: She doesn't wish for anyone to die ^^)
Alanyah: Julian. (Julian: WHAT!? Don't you love me?)
Frank: No one, sugar - I don't hate people, I make love to them! I mean! I love them!

19. What is your favourite colour? Why?
Keitari: Black.
Alanyah: Dark blue, and it's NOT because Julian wears blue!
Frank: Pink, because it's such a delightful color

20. Have you ever been close to death?
Keitari: Yes.
Alanyah: Close to death? I've died once you know!
Frank: A few times, unfortunately.

21. Have you ever killed someone?
Keitari: Um, it's like... My job to kill people?
Alanyah: When necessary.
Frank: Again, no. I love life and people and those who live

22. What do you fear?
Keitari: Nothing. (Hirai: Aww, Kei-chan, don't be like that)
Alanyah: I fear and love my brother all the same.
Frank: I fear death I'm afraid.

23. One morning, you wake up only to discover you've been transformed into a gigantic insect! What do you feel, think, and do?
Keitari: I kill myself. But of course not hikari, an insect is not worthy of such a beautiful thing.
Alanyah: Haunt people I hate? ^^
Frank: *faints*

24. You live in Tolkien's Middle-Earth. What kind of species are you and whose side are you on?
Keitari: I would be a man of course. And does it really matter who's side I'm on?
Alanyah: A wizard? Like I am now? And on the good side, like now?
Frank: A hobbit of course - Eat all day long! And you can't do anything but love those little things ^^

25. You live in the STAR WARS universe! Do you prefer the dark or the light side of the force?
Keitari: ... (Hirai: I really don't want to know that answer)
Alanyah: I suppose I would be a princess or something, since the girls in there don't seem to be anything else. And on the light side of course.
Frank: Light side. ^^

26. You are singing the lead of a musical. What is the name of the musical and what is it about?
Keitari: ... O.o"
Alanyah: What is that?
Frank: "Les Miserables" I love that musical ^^

27. What would your dream-house look like?
Keitari: Like mine. With Hirai in the kitchen cooking something.
Alanyah: Something not too big and not too small. On a big field of flowers.
Frank: A castle - Like Versailles or something

28. If you could make -one- fictional character become real, who would you choose?
Keitari: Um... No one?
Alanyah: L from Death Note. He would know how to treat a woman (Julian: But you're not one... Okay I'll shut up)
Frank: Lestat of course..

29. What kind of books do you prefer?
Keitari: I don't read.
Alanyah: Um... I don't know.
Frank: Drama, tragic and romance.

30. Lastly; How do you think you will die?
Keitari: I will probably get murdered by some bastard.
Alanyah: I will be murdered by my brother for the avenge of his and my younger brothers death.
Frank: I hope I won't die ^^'

Bomba min dumpning
Fangirlsquel av: Erika

W00t för Kei-chans svar XD

"21. Have you ever killed someone?
Keitari: Um, it's like... My job to kill people?"


2008-04-01 @ 13:51:54

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